Welcome one and all. This site is intended to explore what it means to be a follower of Yeshua Ben Yosuf, aka Jesus, and hopefully it will be a place where reasonable and respectful conversations can take place regarding the current state of Christendom and where it might be headed. Gnu Christians believe that the Gnu Athiests have correctly pointed out the significant shortcomings of all religions, of churches, and of individuals who claim to be Christians. Gnu Xians also believe that many Christian fundamentalists are focused on 2000 years of church dogma and doctrine rather than on the life and teachings of Yeshua. When it comes to following Jesus in the post-Christendom era, Gnu Christians aspire to project the spirit of the words of the late Stephen Huneck posted outside the Dog Chapel in Vermont - "All Breeds and All Creeds are Welcome - No Dogma Allowed."

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Good question.  And since it appears as though no one has claimed any of the Gnu Christian domains, we have the opportunity to define Gnu Christians right here!  So, this will take a while, but let's start with this thought - Gnu Christians are Humanists who are guided, challenged and inspired by the teachings attributed to Yeshua.  Since Yeshua apparently never wrote anything but rather taught in the typical rabbinical oral tradition, we must look to what others wrote about his teachings.  Consideration should be given to all of the writings to include not only the canonized new testament but the other books that refer to Yeshua's teachings.  Because no one reads the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament in a "flat" manner ascribing equal importance to each verse, we too must establish what we believe are the most fundamental teachings of Yeshua such that indeed we can be "fundamentalists."

For me, Matthew 25, verses 34-40, are the basis for being a Gnu Christian.  This is perhaps the only time that Yeshua speaks about how everyone will be judged.  He does not talk about what words you spoke, about what creeds you affirmed, and so on, but rather how you treated "the other."  He teaches that the spirit of G_d lives in everyone, and thus we should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and by extension to today's world, welcome our gay brothers and sisters into our homes, dine with those who think, look or act differently than we do, and perhaps most importantly, befriend those who consider us their enemies.

If this sounds like a good starting place, join in as we define Gnu Christianity.

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